Source code for pwned_passwords_django.api

Direct access to the Pwned Passwords API for checking whether a
password is compromised.


# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import hashlib
import logging
import sys
import typing

import httpx
from django.conf import settings
from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables

from . import __version__, exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: float = 1.0  # 1 second

[docs] class PwnedPasswords: """ A client for interacting with the Pwned Passwords API. There are two useful public methods here: ``check_password()`` and ``check_password_async()``, which are identical to and called by the :func:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.check_password` and :func:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.check_password_async` functions exposed at the module level. Constructor arguments are all optional; use them only if you want to pass in your own custom sync or async HTTP clients (which must be API-compatible with the corresponding sync and async client objects in `the HTTPX library <>`_). Otherwise, default client objects from ``httpx`` will be used. :param client: A synchronous HTTP client object. Defaults to an ``httpx.Client``. :param async_client: An asynchronous HTTP client object. Defaults to an ``httpx.AsyncClient``. """ api_endpoint: str = "" user_agent: str = ( f"pwned-passwords-django/{__version__} " f"(Python/{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro} " f"| httpx/{httpx.__version__})" ) def __init__( self, client: typing.Optional[httpx.Client] = None, async_client: typing.Optional[httpx.AsyncClient] = None, ) -> None: settings_dict = getattr(settings, "PWNED_PASSWORDS", {}) self.request_timeout = httpx.Timeout( settings_dict.get("API_TIMEOUT", DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) ) self.add_padding = settings_dict.get("ADD_PADDING", True) self.client = client or httpx.Client() self.async_client = async_client or httpx.AsyncClient() def _prepare_password(self, password: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]: """ Given a password, compute and return a tuple of the hash prefix and suffix used by the Pwned Passwords API. """ # Python's documentation states that the named constructors for particular # hashes are to be preferred due to better peformance, which here would mean # calling hashlib.sha1() instead of"sha1"). # # However, security linters and some restricted runtime environments do not # allow access to SHA-1 unless a flag is passed to indicate it is not being used # for cryptographic purposes. This is done by passing usedforsecurity=False to # the constructor, but that argument was not added in the named constructors # until Python 3.9, while we currently support all the way back to 3.7. Luckily # in Python 3.7 and 3.8 accepts arbitrary arguments without # complaint. So as a slightly hacky workaround we use new(), passing the # usedforsecurity=False argument, and rely on it being ignored for Python # 3.7/3.8, and interpreted as intended on Python 3.9+. Once support for Python # 3.7 and 3.8 ends, this can be updated to call hashlib.sha1() directly. password_hash = ("sha1", password.encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False) .hexdigest() .upper() # Pwned Passwords wants all hashes to be uppercase. ) return password_hash[:5], password_hash[5:] def _get_hits(self, response_text: str, suffix: str) -> int: """ Given a resposne from Pwned Passwords and a password hash suffix, return the count of hits for that suffix in the response. """ hits = {} for line in response_text.splitlines(): line_suffix, _, count = line.partition(":") # Pwned Passwords has sometimes been known to return values with commas in # them, like "1,234" instead of "1234". So to be safe, we remove them before # trying to parse as int. hits[line_suffix] = int(count.replace(",", "")) return hits.get(suffix, 0) def _request(self, prefix: str) -> httpx.Response: """ Given a hash prefix, perform a request to Pwned Passwords and return the response. """ headers = {"User-Agent": self.user_agent} if self.add_padding: headers["Add-Padding"] = "true" response = self.client.get( url=f"{self.api_endpoint}{prefix}", headers=headers, timeout=self.request_timeout, ) response.raise_for_status() return response async def _request_async(self, prefix: str) -> httpx.Response: """ Given a hash prefix, perform an asynchronous request to Pwned Passwords and return the response. """ headers = {"User-Agent": self.user_agent} if self.add_padding: headers["Add-Padding"] = "true" response = await self.async_client.get( url=f"{self.api_endpoint}{prefix}", headers=headers, timeout=self.request_timeout, ) response.raise_for_status() return response @sensitive_variables() def check_password(self, password: str) -> int: """ Check a password against the Pwned Passwords API and return the count of times it appears in breaches in the Pwned Passwords database. :param password: The password to check. :raises TypeError: When the given password value is not a string. :raises exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError: When the Pwned Passwords API times out, returns an HTTP 4XX or 5XX status code, or when any other error occurs in contacting the Pwned Passwords API or checking the password. """ if not isinstance(password, str): raise TypeError("Password to check must be a string.") try: prefix, suffix = self._prepare_password(password) response = self._request(prefix) return self._get_hits(response.text, suffix) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as exc: logger.error( "Pwned Passwords API replied with HTTP error status code " f"{exc.response.status_code}." ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Pwned Passwords API replied with HTTP error status code.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.HTTP_ERROR, params={"status_code": exc.response.status_code}, ) from exc except httpx.TimeoutException as exc: logger.error("Pwned Passwords API timed out.") raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Pwned Passwords API timed out.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.API_TIMEOUT, params={"timeout_threshold": self.request_timeout}, ) from exc except httpx.RequestError as exc: logger.error( f"Error making request to Pwned Passwords: {exc.__class__.__name__}" ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Error making request to Pwned Passwords.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.REQUEST_ERROR, params={ "add_padding": self.add_padding, "api_endpoint": self.api_endpoint, "exception_class": exc.__class__.__name__, "prefix": prefix, "timeout": self.request_timeout, }, ) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.error( f"Error attempting to check password: {exc.__class__.__name__}" ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Error attempting to check password.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR, params={ "exception_class": exc.__class__.__name__, }, ) from exc @sensitive_variables() async def check_password_async(self, password: str) -> int: """ Check a password against the Pwned Passwords API and return the count of times it appears in breaches in the Pwned Passwords database. This is an asynchronous version of :meth:`check_password`, and will use an asynchronous HTTP client to make the request to Pwned Passwords. :raises TypeError: When the given password value is not a string. :raises exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError: When the Pwned Passwords API times out, returns an HTTP 4XX or 5XX status code, or when any other error occurs in contacting the Pwned Passwords API or checking the password. """ if not isinstance(password, str): raise TypeError("Password to check must be a string.") try: prefix, suffix = self._prepare_password(password) response = await self._request_async(prefix) return self._get_hits(response.text, suffix) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as exc: logger.error( "Pwned Passwords API replied with HTTP error status code " f"{exc.response.status_code}." ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Pwned Passwords API replied with HTTP error status code.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.HTTP_ERROR, params={"status_code": exc.response.status_code}, ) from exc except httpx.TimeoutException as exc: logger.error("Pwned Passwords API timed out.") raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Pwned Passwords API timed out.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.API_TIMEOUT, params={"timeout_threshold": self.request_timeout}, ) from exc except httpx.RequestError as exc: logger.error( f"Error making request to Pwned Passwords: {exc.__class__.__name__}" ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Error making request to Pwned Passwords.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.REQUEST_ERROR, params={ "add_padding": self.add_padding, "api_endpoint": self.api_endpoint, "exception_class": exc.__class__.__name__, "prefix": prefix, "timeout": self.request_timeout, }, ) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.error( f"Error attempting to check password: {exc.__class__.__name__}" ) raise exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError( message="Error attempting to check password.", code=exceptions.ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR, params={ "exception_class": exc.__class__.__name__, }, ) from exc
default_client = PwnedPasswords() check_password = default_client.check_password check_password_async = default_client.check_password_async