Configuration via Django settings#

Some of pwned-passwords-django’s behavior is configurable via Django settings. To do so, add the following new setting to your Django settings module:


A dict containing configuration specific to pwned-passwords-django.

The default values, if not set, are equivalent to:

   "ADD_PADDING": True,
   "API_TIMEOUT": 1.0,

The keys in PWNED_PASSWORDS have the following semantics:


A bool indicating whether to send the custom Add-Padding: true HTTP header on requests to Pwned Passwords. This header enables a feature in the Pwned Passwords API which “pads” responses with additional irrelevant results.

This trades off some performance for security; without the “padding”, it is potentially possible for an attacker who can observe your request/response traffic to extract information about the requests being made by observing variations in the sizes of the response bodies (which is something that even encryption/HTTPS cannot hide). Having Pwned Passwords “pad” all responses with random irrelevant results defeats this style of traffic analysis, at the cost of increasing the average size of the responses and thus the amount of data which must be transferred.

Default value, if not provided, is True.


A float indicating the desired connection timeout threshold for contacting Pwned Passwords, in seconds.

Default value, if not provided, is 1.0 (one second).


A strnot a compiled regex object – to be used as a regex by the middleware when scanning request payloads for possible passwords. Any key in the request’s POST which matches (via this regex will be checked against Pwned Passwords.

The supplied string will be compiled to a regex with re.compile() using the re.IGNORECASE flag.

Default value, if not provided, is r"PASS".